Hyeonseo Nam
Hello, I am an AI researcher at the AI research division of a telecom company in Korea, focusing on leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance workflow efficiency. My primary interest is in productivity enhancements. Professionally, I research the applications of LLMs, including semantic document parsing, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and chatbots. Personally, I contribute to open-source projects aimed at improving productivity.
During my graduate studies, I researched the fields of digital human and 3D reconstruction, handling various data representations. Through this, I have participated in research papers at top-tier conferences in the graphics field and contributed to open-source projects.
namhs2030 [at] gmail.com / [github] / [google scholar]
M.S in Computer Science Engineering - POSTECH
Thesis: Animatable 3D Head Reconstruction with Geometric Details from a Single Image
Advior: Prof. Seungyoung Lee
B.S in Computer Science Engineering - UNIST
Minor: Industrial Design
Featured Activities
Obsidian Plugin - Auto Classifier
A plugin for obsidian that automatically classify user's note using ChatGPT API
[repo] (2023)
A plugin for obsidian that automatically classify user's note using ChatGPT API
[repo] (2023)
Face Reconstruction
📌 Animatable 3D Head Reconstruction with Geometric Details from a Single Image
Hyeonseo Nam, Seungyoung Lee
Thesis, 2022
Hyeonseo Nam, Seungyoung Lee
Thesis, 2022
We've trained Single-image-based deep implicit function for animatable face reconstruction with 3D face dataset. Our reconstructed model can express diverse facial expressions (using 3DMM property) because of our semantic-aware training scheme.
Human Reconstruction
We’ve introduced a dynamic human reconstruction framework from depth or point cloud sequence. We used Laplacian coordinate to capture more surface details on SMPL quried surface function.
Open Source
📌 Contributions to Trimesh open source
Python 3D data processing library, 2.2k stars
[PR: subdivision algorithm] / [PR: fix error] (2021-2022)
Python 3D data processing library, 2.2k stars
[PR: subdivision algorithm] / [PR: fix error] (2021-2022)
I implemented an advanced subdivision algorithm (loop subdivision method, def subdiviion_loop) and editted an error for mesh slicing function (def slice_mesh_plane).
All Activities
Publications - International
📌 Animatable 3D Head Reconstruction with Geometric Details from a Single Image
Hyeonseo Nam, Seungyoung Lee
Thesis, 2022
Hyeonseo Nam, Seungyoung Lee
Thesis, 2022
Spatiotemporal Texture Reconstruction for Dynamic Objects Using a Single RGB-D Camera
Hyomin Kim, Jungeon Kim, Hyeonseo Nam, Jaesik Park, Seungyong Lee
EuroGraphics 2021
Hyomin Kim, Jungeon Kim, Hyeonseo Nam, Jaesik Park, Seungyong Lee
EuroGraphics 2021
Publications - Korean Domestic
정규화된 딥음함수를 이용한 단일 얼굴 영상 입력에서의 3D 얼굴 복원
Hyeonseo Nam, Seungyong Lee
IPIU 2022 (Best paper award - Silver prize)
Hyeonseo Nam, Seungyong Lee
IPIU 2022 (Best paper award - Silver prize)
단일 영상 기반의 3D 인체 복원 연구 동향
Hyeonseo Nam, Seungyong Lee
KCC 2021
Hyeonseo Nam, Seungyong Lee
KCC 2021
Open Source
📌 Contributions to Trimesh open source
Python 3D data processing library, 2.2k stars
[PR: subdivision algorithm] / [PR: fix error] (2021-2022)
Python 3D data processing library, 2.2k stars
[PR: subdivision algorithm] / [PR: fix error] (2021-2022)
Obsidian Plugin - Emoji Titler
A plugin for obsidian that add an emoji to the title using keyboard shortcut
[repo] (2023)
A plugin for obsidian that add an emoji to the title using keyboard shortcut
[repo] (2023)
Obsidian Plugin - Auto Classifier
A plugin for obsidian that automatically classify user's note using ChatGPT API
[repo] (2023)
A plugin for obsidian that automatically classify user's note using ChatGPT API
[repo] (2023)
Awards & Honor
Silver Prize, Best Paper Award, IPIU 2022
Team leader, 8th SW Maestro, (IITP, Ministry of Science and ICT), 2017
Ulju-gun scholarship student, (Ulsan, Korea), 2016
Bronze Prize, Open API Platform-based Fintech contest (Given by CEO of KOSCOM), 2016
Achievement Award (Given by President of UNIST), 2013
Grand Prize, DB Mashup (Given by CEO of SKT), 2013
Intern, Deep Learning-based car license plate recognition, (Qisense), 2018
Discharged as sergeant, ROKA, 2013-2015